Link to data file
This is a link to the data file via Google sheets.
Charts as image

This is a chart of the average GPA’s per each department at UMW.

This is a chart of the total of A% compared to each department. This is my trend analysis chart.
Link to dataset source
I found my data source from this website. I chose 2022-2023 grade distribution summary and focused on the undergraduate spring semester of 2023.
Trend explanation
For my trend analysis, I decided to analyze the average percent of A’s in each department. First, I found the average GPA’s in each department, and from there, I found the average percent of A’s. From these charts, I found that the lower the GPA for a class, the lower the A% average. For example, the PSIA department, or Political Science and International Affairs, had only a 2.5 average GPA. And only 26% of the students that semester received an A.
Process explanation
I used Google Sheets to help identify the trend. I put the data into the table and saw the averages for the GPA as well as the A% averages. I wanted to know the correlation between the two so I made separate tables. I was able to put both into pivot charts to easily identify the correlation. A’s in classes significantly help raise a GPA, so that’s why I chose those two different sections of the data.
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